I continued on, riding across the Powwow River over by Alliance Point. Shortly after, I stopped to take another shot.
I wasn't aware how windy it was at this point, since the wind had been in my back, but I was going to find out shortly. I took a left before the Chain Bridge, which is currently closed for construction. I took 110 over toward Salisbury Center where I took a right onto Mudnock Road to take the Eastern Marsh Rail Trail where I encountered nasty crosswinds.
I crossed the Route 1 bridge and took a left onto Merrimac Street into downtown Newburyport to see if my friend Steve's car was there, but it wasn't so I head back into a brutal head wind on Merrimac, where I stopped at Warren Street Market & Deli and got an awesome homemade granola bar and a Gatorade.
I continued on Merrimac Street all the way down onto Spofford and over by Maudslay just like it was the Yankee Homecoming Race. I stopped at Maudslay for a shot of the landscape.
I got over to 113 via Hoyts Lane where I encountered awful head and cross winds, occasionally almost blowing me over. It was nasty! Getting a little soreness, it was difficult to climb some of the hills, but I took at easy and just took my time on them. I took Coffin Street down to the other River Road, which would have been more enjoyable if it wasn't so windy. Finally, I found myself crossing the Rocks Village Bridge, requiring a difficult climb toward the Rocks Village Fire Station, where I stopped for - you got it - another picture.
I continued down, connecting with Amesbury Line Road finally rejoining the way I came in on. The hill by Whittier's birthplace was a bit nasty with the headwind and being this late in the ride. After I got to the top, I looked forward to one last tasty detour at Biggart's for a nice orange sherbet 2 miles before returning home.
I was very happy to be done with my ride, but my legs actually didn't feel too bad considering! It was a very nice ride that I look forward to doing again on a calmer day! 32.5 miles...not bad for 3 days after Boston!

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