Monday: I told Caitlyn that I was doing my long run today since I raced on Sunday. She said she'd like to run for an hour or so and then she how she felt. Of course with her focus on the mile, I never imagined she would go the entire time I was. Already dark, we decided to run loops around Assumption College (1.25 or so), and it turned out not to be that bad. Each loop after an hour she just kept going, and then at around 12 miles or so, she just said, I'll just go the entire way! We ended up doing a little more than 15 miles to get to exactly 2 hours. 7:57 a mile - we were slow in the low to mid 8's on the first few and last few so it wasn't as slow as it seemed, especially since we had a hill every single loop. 15.08 miles.
Tuesday: A delayed opening allowed me to do a treadmill run in the morning. I got in 8 miles at around 7:45 pace or so. It was uneventful. 8 miles.
Wednesday: I started this run at 8pm. It called for 2 miles easy, 2 miles at 6:20 pace X 2. I hit the first rep in 12:35, just under and the second rep in 12:43, just over. The second one was more impressive than it seems. I was way off at mile 1 in 6:28, but hit mile 2 in 6:15. Finishing strong is a good thing. Tired, I topped it off with a very easy 2 miles back at 9 minute pace. 10 miles.
Thursday: I didn't get this run in until after a band practice ended at 9pm. I like to go out to a restaurant with fellow bandos after practice, but I took the disciplined approach and made my way up to the 24 PF in West Boylston. Fortunately, I was entertained by the Celtics game for a lot of this treadmill run. I just got in 8 miles in about 63 minutes, so slightly under 8 minute pace. Just a normal run at a not-so-normal time. What has to be done, has to be done. 8 miles.
Friday: I ran an easy 6.2 mile run with Caitlyn in Worcester that probably averaged in the low 8's. After the run I did 8 100 meter strides at approximately 5 mile race pace in preparation for Saturday's run at the Bradford Valentine Race. I felt really loose after this. 6.7 miles.
Saturday: See Race Report. 11.35 miles.
Sunday: This was a great long run with Matt. We extended the big loop to incorporate River Road and Coffin St in West Newbury. This run averaged 7:27 a mile, right where I want to be on these long runs. We started early at 7:00am since Matt had work earlier today. After, we saw Laura. Matt had to take off and I actually ran the first 0.8 of her run and back. 17.1 miles.
Week: 76.23 miles
February: 125.73 miles
2011: 370.38 miles
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