Monday: 2 mile warm-up on the treadmill, then bailed the steady state after only 0.7 miles at 8.8mph. Did a little hill walking followed by some elliptical. 2.7 miles.
Tuesday: OFF (first off day in 36 days)
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: 5 miles easy with Caitlyn on Mill Street. Achilles was better, but a little sore on the last mile. 5 miles.
Friday: OFF
Saturday: I ran the Fudgcicle, but the injury wasn't the issue. It was breathing. I was planning on running tempo, but instead I went out with Jason like an ass. I even commented that I was wearing the away jersey and probably wasn't going to take things seriously.

So I follow Jason with David Corbett right behind me and it was the three of us. I wanted to fall off at 1.25. Didn't. Said keep up with them. I wanted to fall off at 1.5. Didn't. Said keep up with them. I started to fall off at 1.75, pushed to get back, and then gave up. Strangely it wasn't the Achilles that kept me back, it was the cardio. The lack of training really seems to hurt. At any rate, at around 1.9 or so they started to distance themselves from me and I got to be a spectator watching David take off and then Jason make a pretty substantial comeback to finish only a couple seconds behind. I came in astonished to see the time well past the 19 minute mark as I finished in a humbling 19:21, continuing my decline from 18:53 to 19:02, and now almost 30 seconds slower. I need to run my own race and finish strong. That has always been my style, so I look forward to going out easier next time. Not to mention, the home jersey is definitely the better choice as witness numerous times including this 30:15 8K PR effort at the Feaster:

Niiice. 8.25 mile total for the day.
Sunday: I went to the GBTC Invite to see Ryan and Caitlyn run the 3K and 1 mile respectively. Ryan ran 9:15 and Caitlyn a 5:05 (she is going to get under 5, I know it). I ran for about 65 minutes outside along the Charles. 8 miles. Looking forward to getting back to it next week.
Week: 23.95 miles
Month: 175.35 miles
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